Directory Link Exchange Request

Join our large directory of trucking industry links! To add your trucking link on the link exchange, you only need to take the following steps:

Step One: Add FreightFinder To Your Site

Add a hyperlink to to any page on your site that links to and from your home page, using one of the following:

Link To FreightFinder With Our Banner:

We use a standard "large leaderboard" banner for link exchange. The current leaderboard appears as follows:
Find Truck Loads Fast and Free on

To link to us with a Banner, copy the following code and paste it on your HTML page:


Link To FreightFinder Using Text:

To link to us with a Text Link, copy the following code AND paste it on your HTML page:

Step Two: Request Inclusion In The FreightFinder Directory

Fill out the following form, including the page where you inserted our banner or text link. Once we verify that our link is listed on your site, your trucking link will be activated on our sites.

This could be your company name or official website name; becomes the link text in the directory
Max 165 Characters including spaces